On August 1, 1968, the Muscatine Journal reported the post office in the unincorporated Muscatine County town of Moscow received a “temporary reprieve” from closure. Several weeks prior, postmaster Diane Henderson had received an announcement that the post office would close August 2. The Journal noted citizens did not remain idle:
The fighting citizens of Moscow… were busy gathering signatures on a petition demanding the post office remain open. Over a hundred signatures were gathered and copies were sent to congressmen, senators, the postmaster general and district and regional offices of the post office.
Under the closure plan, Moscow was set to become a rural route of nearby Wilton, causing a delay in service offered daily at the post office. Considered the social center of the rural Iowa town, more than anything residents feared “if the post office closed, Moscow would cease to exist as a town and be a name only.” In the end, the closure was averted – for at least 30 years.
As of July 2011, the post office is again being considered for closure.